
minimizing the experience

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Application for



•   Doctors
•   Public
•   Attorneys
•   Farmers
•   Cleaning Services
•   Plumbers
•   Electrical Engineers
•   Housekeepers
•    Journalists
•   Actors
•    Services




Customer Manage

TSEPI Android App gives you the ability to manage your customers in the most convenience way. You can:

-Add a new Customer
-Edit a Customer
-Delete a Customer

Fund Management

Manage your funds now in easy and simple ways. All your transactions in one application. Monitor all your incomes and expenses. More specifically:

-Total Income-Expenses
-New debit
-New credit
-Edit transactions

Excel, Pdf Exports

TSEPI has been created to serve all your needs. One of the most useful inovations is the ability to export all the necessary statistical data. 

-Excel Export
-Pdf Export

Application ΤSΕPI Android  is a MULTI-TASK Programm that can serve any individual-professional, to monitor some work outside the accounts.

Customer-Supplier full management and monitoring their financial data.
Third party management.
Incomes-Expenses management and monitoring.
Fund (Cash-Bank account) management and monitoring.
Customer-Supplier Transactions.
Appointment management.
Appointments-Obligations notifications.
Pdf - Excel exports.
•Backup files.

 Android  Supported devices